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MOC (My Own Creation) Showcase / Re: Late Night Snack
« Last post by dminetti on December 07, 2017, 01:17:48 pm »
Awesome Zombie Goodness! Great job Tim!
MOC (My Own Creation) Showcase / Late Night Snack
« Last post by Nynja on December 07, 2017, 12:49:42 pm »
Late Night Snack by Tim, on Flickr

Late Night Snack by Tim, on Flickr

Late Night Snack by Tim, on Flickr

Late Night Snack by Tim, on Flickr

Late Night Snack by Tim, on Flickr

Late Night Snack by Tim, on Flickr

Late Night Snack by Tim, on Flickr

MOC (My Own Creation) Showcase / Re: V-8 motor
« Last post by Brkian on June 29, 2017, 09:00:56 pm »
I like it. Nice job. I'm always drawn to functional builds.
MOC (My Own Creation) Showcase / Re: V-8 motor
« Last post by evank on June 23, 2017, 10:01:56 pm »
Responding to myself. :)

I learned in the past couple of months that, nope, nobody's going to be impressed by a simple "Expert Builder"-era V8.

So I decided to take it up a notch.

I have the complete circa-1987 Dacta TC robotics kit / 9700 Control Center (part of my demo for this weekend at ToyCon). Sometime this summer I will attach the kit's counter wheel and optical sensor to the axle emerging from the rear of the motor. With that I can quasi-scientifically measure the V8 speed in any unit I like -- miles per hour, feet per second, or whatever. I also plan to program a joystick (again, this is using a 1980s eight-bit Apple II computer) to work as a gas pedal. Rather than just being binary on/off, the V8 will acceleration linearly as you move the joystick handle from bottom to top.

Maybe that'll earn me some LUG newbie cred. ;)
MOC (My Own Creation) Showcase / V-8 motor
« Last post by evank on May 09, 2017, 07:27:30 pm »

Not sure if this will impress anyone in an AFOL club but I thought it was cool: I built a little V-8 motor from leftover parts in my stash.

Here's a video of it:

If I have time, then I'll include it as part of the robot.
Public Announcements / Meeting - Saturday, May 20, 2017
« Last post by JBricks27 on May 06, 2017, 04:46:39 pm »
Sorry guys but I cannot make it, having the baby shower that day. Seems like I always miss the "good" meetings with the giveaways

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Public Announcements / Meeting - Saturday, May 20, 2017
« Last post by dminetti on April 25, 2017, 01:09:06 pm »
We will be having a meeting on Saturday May 20th, in the Clark Public Library at 1:00pm.

This will be our annual "LUG support" meeting where each full member (dues must be paid to participate) will be allowed to fill a 1-gallon zip lock bag with parts!!
There will also be some sets given away at the meeting.

Hope to see you all there,
MOC (My Own Creation) Showcase / Re: Collaborative Star Wars Diorama - Large
« Last post by Disco Duck on March 26, 2017, 06:21:55 pm »

Do you guys need more storm troopers?
I've got a bunch to donate

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Public Announcements / Re: Meeting - Saturday, February 25, 2017
« Last post by dminetti on February 23, 2017, 01:33:15 pm »
Meeting Topics

   Forum Usage
   Greenberg March 2017
   Glen Ridge STEM Fair
   ToyCon NJ
   Lugbulk Update
   Lego Set(s) giveaway!!
   Dues will be collected $20/year
   Part Swap - 41311: Heartlake Pizzeria

Of course, anyone is welcome to bring up any topics they'd like to discuss.

Public Announcements / Re: Meeting - Saturday, February 25, 2017
« Last post by dminetti on February 20, 2017, 09:09:18 am »
Part Swap set for Saturday's meeting will be 41311: Heartlake Pizzeria - 289 pcs, 2 Mini dolls $29.99
Please bring 1 of these to the meeting if you'd like to participate in this activity.

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